Word: First Impressions  Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Format the Type

Calibri is the default type face—or font—for Microsoft Word 2007. The company name and address should be special. It is supposed to call attention to itself.  The name can be differentiated with big, bold type.

3. Select a different Font

Select the name and address.

Go to Home->Font

Click on the little down arrow by the words Calibri and select Tahoma from the list. It is a distinctive, professional font.


4. Center the Paragraph

Select the name and address

Go to Home ->Paragraph

Click on the Center button.


Not sure which button is which? If you hold the mouse over the button, a label will pop up and tell you what it is. These labels are called ToolTips.


Home -> Paragraph