Instructional Design

Design Considerations  

The Complete Computer Guides teach Windows, Word, and Excel together. This strategy goes beyond commands and tasks and emphasizes common productivity elements available in all Windows compliant software.


The Complete Computer Guides embed the principles of observation, orientation and notation into the page layout and design. The placement of the key elements and graphics offers quick references and improved learning.


Reading Level

The text and commentary was written at a sixth-grade reading level, as measured by the Flesch-Kincaid scale. Brief explanations describe the command or task. The command notation is repeated above each screen shot or menu close-up.


Navigating the Knowledge

The Guides offer a new page format that links together an entire library of computer knowledge. Menu Maps provide non-linear access that allows learners to quickly move to a topic by selecting it.
Users who prefer to follow a linear path will be able to follow a prescribed order through all of the material.

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