Instructional Design

Who Needs Computer Technology Training?

More women (56.7%) than men (44.1 %) use computers at work according to the US Census figures. The vast majority of all new jobs in 2006 will require office productivity and automation.


Our enrollment records show the same results as the Census data: women outnumber men two to one in the classroom and in online courses. Over 3,000 professionals from government, corporate, and manufacturing have succeeded in our instructor-led training.


Product F M
Microsoft Test Designer 8.06% 1.61%
The Complete Computer Guide 14.52% 3.23%
The Complete Computer Guide Professional 14.52% 0.00%
The Complete Guide to Microsoft Excel 12.90% 6.45%
The Complete Guide to Microsoft Outlook 3.23% 0.00%
The Complete Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint 25.81% 3.23%
The Complete Guide to Microsoft Word 6.45% 0.00%
Grand Total 85.48% 14.52%

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