Take Control: Save Your Files Page 1 2 3 4 5 6

Rounded Rectangular Callout: Screen blank, mind blank. It's all gone, now

Have You Been Saved?

You work for hours on a wonderful document. It has everything you want. Suddenly the power goes out. Hello! Where did all the work go? What happens when the computer crashes?

All of your work is held in RAM until you save it to the hard drive. RAM is temporary: It is emptied when the power is turned off. So what happened to the data when the computer crashes? Well, it probably went to data heaven. Arrrrrgh!

Your best course of action is to save and save often. My mentor, Fr. Paul Cummings, said you should have three copies of anything you think is important. Mathematically, it reduces the chance of losing all of the data.


How often should you save?

Well, how short is your fuse? Would you get mad if you lost a day’s worth of work? O yeah. I’d probably lose my temper. Would you be mad if you lost an hour’s worth of work? Certainly…I don’t want to work overtime. How short is your fuse? Ten minutes? Then save every ten minutes.