PowerPlay:  Mouse Buttons  Page 1 2 3 4 5


Troubleshooting Problems With Mice

So, the mouse is clean, but it still will not respond. Will it work on another computer? Little two-button mice only last 6 months to a year or so under heavy use. If it won’t work on another machine, say goodbye and get a new one.

Say the mouse still doesn’t work when you plug in a new three-button mouse. Now, you're getting deeper into the hardware. At this point, it is worth a trip to a computer repair center to have a technician run some diagnostics on the computer.

Try it: Navigate Windows without a mouse

Use the keyboard. For example, to go to the Control Panel, click on the Windows key to pull up the Start menu. Now, use the arrow keys to go up to Settings and over to Control Panel. When you hit the Enter key, the Control Panel opens. The Tab key will take you to the application that you want.

Sometimes the answer is simple—checking connections and cleaning. Sometimes, it takes an expert. Here’s hoping that your problems are simple ones.


Computers! Yea, we love them, don’t we?




Farewell, O Faithful Mouse!