SandBox: The Need for Speed Page 1 2 3 4

Life In The Fast Lane

The Windows Task Manager lets you monitor your system’s performance. How do you get to the Task Manager? Right Click the Task bar and select Task Manager.


In mine, right, I am maxing out the CPU (processor) every time I start a program. However, I am not using all of my RAM.


The need for speed. The most expensive part of the computer is the person sitting in front of the machine. Add it up. If Mama waits 20 minutes a day—a minute here and there—5 days a week that’s 400 minutes a month or about 80 hours a year. Suppose Mama costs $25.00 an hour. That comes to $2,000 a year in idle time.

That’s all from the Sandbox, where only the latest and greatest survive!